Please join the
Billings Commuter Challenge for a Kickoff Party on June 1 from 5-7 p.m. at Pioneer Park, a recognized healthy event! Enjoy free ice cream, physically distanced activities like cornhole and slow bike races, and easy registration for the Commuter Challenge and the Heart and Sole Run. Tup Tim Thai (a recognized healthy food truck!) will be on-site for attendees to purchase delicious food with healthy options.
The party also will feature bicycling and walking tours of the upcoming bike boulevard project (expected to be completed in fall 2021). A bike boulevard can help make bicycling safer for everyone. Learn more about bicycle boulevards
here, or come to the party to find out what all the excitement is about!
The Commuter Challenge is a month-long event where participants can run, walk, roll, bicycle or ride the bus to work, school, play, or other daily errands. Those who register log their trips online throughout the month of June to compete for a variety of great prizes. Visit to learn more.