Join the #WeWalk Campaign Today!

What is WeWalk?

As part of the Year of Walkability, Healthy By Design is highlighting reasons why our community enjoys walking through the #WeWalk campaign.

To walk is to be a pedestrian by foot, stroller, wheelchair, cane, walker, scooter and other forms.

Walking offers a growing list of health benefits, is free, does not require a lot of equipment, has lower risks of injury and you can do it almost anywhere at any time.

#WeWalk hopes to showcase that walking is for everyone and can be experienced in many different ways.

Why Do You Walk? 

Share your own testimony below by filling out the online form or email us at to be featured on our website.


Make sure to include an outdoor or walking related photo of yourself! 


Print the “I walk because” sign to fill out and include in your photo!

Walking Testimonials

Mike & Ursula

Mike & Ursula

This couple loves to stay active and get fresh air on their walks!
Why do you Walk?



The Healthy By Design Gardeners' Market is always a great destination for a local walk!
Why do you Walk?



Taking a mental break from studying (and enjoying the sunshine) is a great reason for talking a walk!
Why do you Walk?

Tell us why you enjoy walking in our community to be featured on our website!

Let us know WHY you walk when you share your photo or print the “I walk because” sign to fill out and take with your photo!

Fill out the WeWalk form and submit your photo!

#WeWalk together! Help us make walking more welcoming in Yellowstone County!
Form Here!